I am a Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, dog mom, and chicken mom. At the age of 18, I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Back then the only research material I had available was at the local library. So, I learned to pay close attention to my own body. What I ate and drank and how that affected my body. My husband has diabetes and was able to get his glucose numbers down with a keto diet. Taking vitamins and supplements can be a challenge with too much sugar or other ingredients that may affect you. I encourage people to pay close attention to how things like food, vitamins, supplements, and stress affect their body. You know your body better than anyone else - yes even better than your doctors!
Over the years I have discovered many things about nutrition, exercise, emotional, and spiritual health that have helped. So I have consolidated both my healthy people and pet information into one place.
We have moved to organic foods as much as possible. We decided to keep chickens so we know exactly what they are fed (organic feed that is soy and corn free), how they were kept (using hemp in their coop and keeping their area clean), and plenty of room. May I say their eggs are delicious. We have also created a small organic vegetable garden that we are enjoying. What we aren't able to eat fresh, will be frozen or canned.
Hopefully, you will find great recipes and other information on this page that is easy to use and provides you benefits for your overall wellness.
By no means should any information provided here replace your healthcare, doctor, or veterinarian advice, information and recommendations.